Download Nimi Places

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  • Updated
    Requirementsframework 2.0
    Download size387 kb
    MD5 checksume94d591dcf77e82d55f72a48b7f01a58
    SHA1 checksum62a81345d92e15ea68bd60d25d47e84118a555eb
    SHA-256 checksumd97da2566a36c82043b9d00a6613cbaf88c29ba7600d17d5f7e8fe5f8af69e57


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  1. Rewrite CAPTCHA characters to the input field.
  2. Click on download button to start download.
  3. Wait for download to start.
  4. Follow browser download instructions.
  5. Press Open button or "Run from current location" and later follow in-program instructions.

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