Help for Nimi Places

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How to add container?
Please check answer on how to add location to be displayed on the desktop.
How to add label?

To change element label in containers supporting this feature:

  • Press Control+1-7 , with number representing given label by their order in element context menu.
  • Select label from the element context menu:

    1. Right click on the element to open its context menu.
    2. Select label submenu.
    3. Select label to apply from submenu.
How to add new language?

Localization XML files should be placed under Localizations sub-folder of Places directory located under Nimi Places executable location. If added correctly those should be immediately selectable from language selection menu.

Localization template

Distribution package contains bundled localization template (with .ignore extension) containing strings that are used by given build of Nimi Places.

Automatic localization selection

If localization name is an ISO 639-2 or ISO 639-1 language code and it matches one of current culture - Nimi Places will try to load it automatically.

Localization encoding

Localization file should be encoded in UTF-16 Little Endian characters set.

How to add new location to be displayed on the desktop?

To add new location to be displayed on the desktop:

  1. Open settings.
  2. Click on plus symbol to open addable elements menu.
  3. Select container type from the menu.
  4. Browse and select location to be displayed.

After selecting new location, it will be enlisted under its container type subcategory of added elements list. New container will be displayed after closing settings window, which happens automatically, when it loses focus - and not immediately.

How to adjust container loading conditions?

To change container loading conditions:

  1. Open settings.
  2. Select container by single clicking on its element.
  3. Click on PlaceTime symbol.
  4. Adjust loading conditions:

    • Select locations by toggling checkboxes next to those description (home, work etc.).
    • Enable time range based condition:

      1. Check "Hourly schedule" checkbox above time selector control.
      2. Select time range by dragging ends of highlighted fields in time selector control to desired hours.

        Inversing time selection

        Double click time selector control to inverse time selection e.g from 8:00-16:00 to 16:00-8:00.

    • Enable foreground window title based condition:

      1. Check "Foreground window title" checkbox above title combo box.
      2. Enter regular expression in combo box to be matched against foreground window title.
  5. Press Apply to apply settings.
How to change container icon size?

To change icon size in containers supporting this feature user can:

  • Press Control++ to increase icon size or Control+- to decrease icon size.
  • Hold Control key while rolling mouse wheel to adjust icon size.
  • Open container settings, open View submenu and select icon size from the list.
How to change container theme?

To change container theme for containers supporting this feature:

  1. Open container settings
  2. Open Appearance submenu.
  3. Open Theme submenu.
  4. Select theme to apply.
How to change language?

To change Nimi Places language:

  1. Right click on Nimi Places icon (contour of box with two paper sheets atop of it) in the taskbar notification area to open application context menu.
  2. Select "Languages" to open languages sub-menu containing list of available languages.
  3. Change language by selecting menu with caption text describing desired language.
  4. After changing language Nimi Places has to be restarted in order for changes to be applied.
How to change Place container icon display style?

To change icon display style in Place container:

  1. Open container settings
  2. Open View submenu.
  3. Open Style submenu.
  4. Select icon display style (icon grid, list etc.) from menu.
How to change Place container title?

To change Place container title:

  • Double click on container title.
  • Open container settings, open Appearance then Title submenu, then select Rename to rename container.
How to clear shortcuts cache?

To clear shortcuts data cache, force its rebuild:

  1. Open settings
  2. Press "Other" (three dots) button.
  3. Select "Clear cache" option from shown context menu.
  4. Untick check boxes other than shortcuts cache from clearing list.

    Updating shortcuts thumbnails

    Updating thumbnails for shortcuts requires also clearing thumbnails cache.

  5. Press "Clear cache now". button

All of following require application restart to be applied.

How to clear thumbnails cache?

To clear thumbnails cache, force its rebuild:

  1. Open settings
  2. Press "Other" (three dots) button.
  3. Select "Clear cache" option from shown context menu.
  4. Untick check boxes other than thumbnails from clearing list.

    Updating shortcuts thumbnails

    As shortcuts information is cached - updating those thumbnails requires also clearing shortcuts mutex.

  5. Press "Clear cache now". button

All of following require application restart to be applied.

How to close Nimi Places?

To close Nimi Places:

  1. Right click on Nimi Places icon (contour of box with two paper sheets atop of it) in taskbar notification area to open application context menu.
  2. Select Close application option.
How to copy local Nimi Places instance?

Local Nimi Places instance can be copied to the selected location using dedicated wizard.

Converting created copy back to local

On the first launch of created copy - prompt is shown asking if instance should be copied back as local.

To copy local Nimi Places instance using wizard:

  1. Open settings
  2. Press "Other" (three dots) button.
  3. Select "Tools" option from shown context menu.
  4. Select "Copy instance" option from shown sub-context menu.
  5. In shown wizard press "..." button to select copy destination.

    Nimi Places is an portable

    Nimi Places is an portable and can be run - for example - from a removable storage.

  6. Press "Create" button to create instance copy.
How to create new files and folders filter?

To create new files and folders filter:

  1. Open settings.
  2. Click on plus symbol or right click on containers and rules list.
  3. Select Folders and files rule.
  4. From dropdown menu select action: copy or move for files and folders matching defined criteria.
  5. In from section - select directory to be watched for changes.
  6. In to section - select destination directory.
  7. Select either Pattern for name based regular expressions filtering or Time to specify time range for all files and folders to be filtered.
  8. Press Create to create filter.
How to crop files in image preview?

To crop images in image preview:

  1. Press Shift for free hand selection, or Shift+Control for circle selection.
  2. Release keys to copy selection to clipboard.
How to fix "Could not create directory" error during project extraction?
Please ensure that archive is ran with enough privileges (e.g.: administrator rights) for reading/writing files in given location or consider unpacking application in different directory.
How to fix drag and drop not working?

If available User Interface Privilage Isolation (UIPI) restricts passing messages between applications running on different integrity levels.

Explaining effects of this privilage isolation on drag and drop operations, Nimi Places has to run on:

  • Same or lower integrity level than application from which content is dragged from to receive it.
  • Same or higher integrity level than to drag content from Nimi Places to other processes.

Therefore, we recommend running Nimi Places from under Program Files location and ensuring that running user has granted Nimi Places enough rights to interact with the other processes (e.g.: run as administrator).

First start and lowest integrity level

Process starting for the first time (e.g.: after just being downloaded) or from an uncommon locations might run with lowest integrity level and thus be unable to interact with any other applications.

Adjusting Nimi Places default integrity level

If supported Nimi Places default integrity level should be adjustable with ICACLS command tool. To adjust Nimi Places integrity level to medium, run following command: ICACLS "Path to Nimi Places executable here" /setintegritylevel M. Upon next Nimi Places launch it should run then on medium integrity level.

Disabling UIPI

Disabling User Access Control (UAC) should disable UIPI.

How to hide Place container title or change its align?

To change Place container title settings:

  1. Open container settings
  2. Open Appearance submenu.
  3. Open Title submenu.
  4. Select Visible to toggle title visibility, or place on bottom to move its to bottom of container.
How to install new theme?

To install new theme:

  1. Create or open directory <exectuable directory>/Places/Themes/<Container type e.g. Places>.
  2. Copy theme to folder above.
  3. Theme should be now available on its container themes list.
How to open container settings?

To open container settings:

  • Right-click on container title;
  • Right-click on empty container area;
  • Right-click on container area while holding Shift .
How to open settings?
To open settings click on Nimi Places icon (contour of box with two paper sheets atop of it) in the taskbar notification area.
How to open video, audio, image preview?

To preview video, audio, image in containers supporting this feature:

  1. Hover over element.
  2. Click on play or magnifier glass icon to open/start preview.
  3. To stop preview - depending on preview type user can either close preview window - or click on element icon to stop (square symbol or magnifier glass indicating that preview is open).
How to remove container?
Please check answer on how to remove location from being displayed on the desktop.
How to remove location from being displayed on the desktop?

To remove location from being displayed on the desktop:

  1. Open settings.
  2. Select desired location from the list for given container type group.
  3. To remove location:

    • Press Delete key.
    • Remove using context menu:

      1. Right click on selected container list entry to open context menu.
      2. Select Remove menu option.

Container will be removed from being displayed after closing settings window, which happens automatically, when it loses focus - and not immediately.

How to run Nimi Places automatically with system start?

To run Nimi Places automatically on system start:

  1. Open settings
  2. Press "Other" (three dots) button.
  3. Select "Automatic startup" menu entry to register or unregister Nimi Places for automatic startup.
How to sort files in container?

To sort files in containers supporting this feature:

  1. Open container settings
  2. Open Sort by submenu.
  3. Select sort option to sort collection (by name, label etc.).
How to uninstall Nimi Places?

Since Nimi Places 20240724 installed Nimi Places instance should be enlisted under operating system installed programs list and be uninstallable by following common application uninstall steps for it.

To manually uninstall older Nimi Places instance or remove portable instance:

  1. If enabled, disable Nimi Places from automatic startup;
  2. Close Nimi Places if running.
  3. Delete Nimi Places data directory;

    Template created containers

    Please remember that template created containers are stored under Nimi Places data directory.

  4. Delete Nimi Places executable.
What to do if I do not see containers after "showing desktop"?
If containers are not visible when "showing desktop" (requested by e.g. hotkey combination Command+D ) please ensure that Nimi Places is run with enough privileges to interact with system shell.
What to do if I do not see containers after computer restart or logging in?

Nimi Places most likely was not or failed to register for automatic startup. This can be verified by:

  • Checking if Nimi Places process is enlisted under running tasks list. To open task list:

    • Press Shift+Control+Esc .
    • Type "taskmgr" in run command prompt.
    • Search for "View running processes(...)".
  • Checking if Nimi Places is registered for automatic startup using System Configuration Tool. To open system configuration:

    • Type "msconfig" in run command prompt.
    • Search for "System configuration".

If Nimi Places does not run automatically with system startup despite of registration requests, consider using alternative method by placing shortcut to its executable under Startup folder. To open startup folder type "shell:startup" in run command prompt.

Where I can find Nimi Places data directory?
If Nimi Places executable is located under Program Files sub-directory - its application data is stored in current user profile home directory under ".Nimi Places" sub-folder. Otherwise, application data is stored under "Places" sub-folder of executable root directory.
Where I can find template created container files?

Files of template created container are by default located in its directory, which is placed under "Containers" sub-folder of Nimi Places data directory.

Nevertheless, please note that not all template created containers actually create new directories - some might use default directories that are dedicated for given content instead (e.g.: My Documents, My Pictures).

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