Nimi Places 20101124 released

As written during points system introduction - about 240-250 points were given to all accounts which had points amount different from 500 points.[b][/b]

Nimi Places 20101124

  • Changed box widget graphics.
  • Some thumbnail cache changes - for near future use.
  • Fixed colourization colour issue - now it will be turned to control text colour when too bright(close to white).
  • Fixed invalid rename box position.
  • Fixed issue with creating places from desktop.
  • Fixed not updating changes in directory upon multiple request.
  • Fixed not updating thumbnails on widget request.
  • Fixed paths container not displaying correctly for empty directories.
  • Fixed scrolling issue when changing scale.
  • Fixed thumbnailing not loading and generating thumbnails correctly (parallel operations sync issue).
  • Other changes, fixes and updates.
  • When dragging elements onto directory element in container, and not holding alt key(enables normal reordering mode) - those will be dropped (with action depending upon state of key modifier) onto given directory. same applies to file drop from outside active container, yet alt key doesn't disable this feature in this case.

Mentioned projects

Nimi Places
Organizes desktop into containers, displaying files and folders.

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